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CONTACT : +971554451015 OR Email - [email]/[email]AMI ACRYSEAL ACRYLIC SEALANT

Application :

AMI ACRYSEAL ACRYLIC SEALANT was developed for use around windows, door, frames, baseboards or any joint or gap where weather – tight seal is required; it also adheres well to wood, masonry, brick and plaster

Product Characteristics :

AMI ACRYSEAL ACRYLIC SEALANT was designed for both interior and exterior use. Acryseal Acrylic Sealant cures to form a flexible, Non yellowing seal without staining or bleeding and is compatible with a wide variety or substrates. Acryseal Acrylic Sealant contains special fungicide, it withstand against fungus growth.

White, Red and Black (Available color upon request

More Details


Specific GravityTack Free timeHardness Shore AElongationJoint Movement CapabilitiesApplication TemperatureVoc limitBead Consistency (Non – sag)

Smooth paste free of particlesWhite, Red and Black(Available color upon request)1.67± 0.02 g/cm35 min30 – 40150% min12%+5 to +40°CApprox 3% by weightBead free of air bubbles

Storage and Shelf Life:when stored in original unopened container at or below 90°F (32°C), and above freezingAMI ACRYSEAL ACRYLIC SEALANT has a shelf life of 12 months from date of shipment. Containers should always be kept sealed. KEEP FROM FREEZING.

Packaging:AMI ACRYSEAL ACRYLIC SEALANT is available in standard caulking cartridges. Other sizes availabe upon request.