Qingdao Bestech Machinery Co.,Ltd - | E-Showroom
Qingdao Bestech Machinery Co.,Ltd - | E-Showroom
Qingdao Bestech Machinery Co.,Ltd
204 national road,huangdao district,qingdao of China
Pulse dust catcher on the basis of the bag filter to improve the new type of efficient pulse dust collector, a combination of chamber blow, the advantages of different pulse injection filter overcomes the chamber soot cleaning strength is not enough, in and out of the wind unequal distribution of faults, to expand the application range.
Pulse dust collector is when dusty gas from the air inlet to filter, first met in the middle of the outlet inclined plate and baffle, air turned into the ash bucket, slowing down of air flow at the same time, due to inertia effect, coarse particles of dust in the gas directly into the hopper.Dust in advance of the role, the airflow into the ash hopper then fold and upward through internal filter bag dust containing metal skeleton was set on the outer surface of the filter bag, after purification, the upper gas into the filter bag chamber clean room, packed into the outlet discharge, through the filter bag dust gas purification process, with the increase of time and accumulate more and more attached to the filter bag dust, increase the resistance of filter pocket, the parameters of gradually reduce, to work, to control the resistance within a certain range (140-170 mm water column), once more than must be carried out on the filter bag dust, soot triggered by pulse controller order of each control valve open pulse valve, air bags of compressed air by spray torch each hole scripture's tube into the corresponding filter bag, filter bag instant swelling, make the product attached to the surface of the filter bag dust fall off, filter bag to restore the initial state.Clear the dust into the hopper, the ash discharge system out of the body. Thus makes the product attached to the filter bag dust pulse blowing soot cleaning cycle, purified gas through normally, guarantee the dust removal system is running. Clear the dust into the hopper, the ash discharge system out of the body. Thus makes the product attached to the filter bag dust pulse blowing soot cleaning cycle, purified gas through normally, guarantee the dust removal system is running.
Pulse dust catcher on the basis of the bag filter to improve the new type of efficient pulse dust collector, a combination of chamber blow, the advantages of different pulse injection filter overcomes the chamber soot cleaning strength is not enough, in and out of the wind unequal distr
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